Claire Cunningham, Senior Occupational Therapist and Director of PlanOT measuring stairway entry to home

Occupational Therapy NDIS Providers

PlanOT are your registered and reputable NDIS providers

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian Government funded way to help people living with a disability, their families and carers access individualised support.

Understanding and applying for this support can be challenging if you do it alone. But it doesn’t have to be when you have PlanOT on your side. Our occupational therapists make sure you never feel alone when seeking support.

Disabled man seated in modified electric wheelchair

Navigating the NDIS to reach your optimal outcomes

Our occupational therapists understand that NDIS funding can be a complex path to take. Fortunately PlanOT have extensive experience in the funding frameworks for clients when it comes to accessing occupational therapy with ease.

When a person is accepted under the NDIS, they become what is known as a NDIS participant. We aim to be the shining light in approachability, answering all questions, clearing up any uncertainties and motivating NDIS participants to access what is reasonable and necessary under the NDIS.

Disabled man in wheelchair is pouring himself a cup of tea in his kitchen

What occupational therapy services are included under the NDIS?

The occupational therapy services we offer are thoroughly rewarding to clients and their support team. Why? Because we listen and advocate for the best interests, maximising independence and wellbeing when and where needed. How? Through personalised occupational therapy.

So, what’s included under the NDIS?

  • These assessments are one on one and aimed to discover client’s challenges. Concerns are listened to, and strategies discussed to help clients reach their goals.

  • These are our specialities. Claire Cunningham, our principal OT utilises her background in Architectural Science to formulate accessible, built environments that are equally beautiful, as they are functional.

  • Thorough assessments which address the need for accommodation that is not available in the mainstream rental market.

  • From bathroom equipment to electric beds, mobility aids, wheelchairs and seating systems, and even assistive technology for leisure, our PlanOT occupational therapists can advise on the best assistive technology for you. We’re well versed in the Assistive Technology (AT) funding applications through the NDIS and have an excellent track record in obtaining necessary equipment for our clients.

Senior Occupational Therapists Claire Cunningham is measuring up a bathroom for home modification

A familiar face in occupational therapy

The best part of using PlanOT as your service provider is the individualised service you receive. You won’t have a stranger answer the phone, it’s a small team of familiar people who value you as their client.

Who we work with

  • People living with a disability and their families

  • Support coordinators

  • The treating team

Contact us

Keen to understand the NDIS more and how we can maximise the impact of NDIS funding on your life or a loved one’s life? Contact our welcoming, down-to-earth occupational therapists at PlanOT today to get started.

Provider Registration Number 4050086334